Mast cantilever lift – features
The hydraulic hydraulic hoist is capable of lifting loads of up to 6 tons to a height of up to 10 meters, which makes it possible to satisfy all the requirements of almost any warehouse or manufacturing enterprise. We offer hydraulic cantilever lifts and other handling and storage equipment, we design and execute special orders, develop new types of lifts.
Cargo platform under the influence of a powerful hydraulic cylinder moves along the guide console or mast. This movement can be controlled through the lift-type push-button control unit (CU). CU itself can be located at several levels for independent calling of the platform of the lift and loading products on it.
We always try to ensure maximum safety in working with our mast lifts, so we use only high-quality and proven components. These are Italian hydraulic valves Oleodinamica Marchesini, the best Ukrainian steel and electronics.
Additional security systems
- Safety fences and wicket;
- Mine with a gate (magnetic locks on the gate);
- Stops and safety frame with load cells;
- Rolling restraints;
- Additional motion sensors.
All these and other options for mast lifts can be installed on additional request. If you want to order to buy a console mast lift, then contact the sales department. Call the phone numbers today and our managers will help you to draw up a competent technical task and select the optimal configuration of lifting equipment for work in your enterprise. A full list of contact information can be found in the “Contacts” section.
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